Sunday, November 16, 2008

Research Methodology

Aim: The focus of this research would be to investigate factors that impede high school student(s) in their path to high education.

Prior investigations had conclude that some of the frequent factors that causes high school student(s) to dropout includes:
1. Drug
2. Violence
3. Stress
4. Early pregnancy
Few literatures attempted to connect the 3 above stated factors. Illustrating that a high school student suffering from family stress is more likely to become violent, consequently leading to illegal drug use, and eventually can dropout of school.
More so literally, urban schools children are prone to be in this bracket because of predominant poverty level that defines the urban sector. One journal described environmental effects as a dominant factor that affects student’s behaviors and reactions. Where virtually, drugs influence, early pregnancy, and perhaps violence can be classified as environmental factors.
Moreover, family structure substantially influences outcomes of student(s) in terms of the high school dropout rates, high school graduation rates, and age at first pregnancy. For example, young people from non-intact families are significantly more likely to drop out of school, compared to students living in intact families.

Methodological Questions
In recent years are concerns that developed in school across the nation, especially in urban school such as Newark’s public schools, which are struggling to encourage students to “stay the course,” where many are even pondering proposing incentive.

Perhaps some of the question this investigation would be answering includes:
q What is creating a generation of high school dropouts?
q Does a change in family lifestyle and structure affect student school performance and decisions?
q Does family class influence decision of student to further education?
q Is positive role model/ mentor important for high school children, in order for the m to pursue higher education?

Method/ Procedure:
However, the focus of this research would be to further look into some of this issues that would be reported by the student(s) surveyed. A survey would be conducted among 9th, 10th, and 11th grader of urban high schools (3 schools) in Newark, New Jersey.
The gathered data would be analyzed using Bar graphs and/or other graphic tools to specify and outline factors according to frequencies, type, and ratio of the number of student that struggle(d) with these factors.
There will possibly also be interviews conducted at random with high school student(s) that are perceived to be struggling with one or more of the affects.